Multi-family / Commercial

Multi-Family/ HOA/ Commercial

As Roof Renew is a fraction of the cost of a roof replacement, you can help protect your investment and significantly improve your ROI by rejuvenating your roof rather than incurring the cost of replacement. Roof Renew can provide significant benefits for

Small Commercial Office Buildings/Funeral Homes

Having owned 3 small commercial office buildings or office condos, I know that the roof is one of the most expensive repairs or replacements that can be needed. You can save tens of thousands of dollars with Roof Renew rather than replacing an aging asphalt shingle roof.

Apartment Buildings

By getting an additional 6-16+ years from the roof of an apartment building, owners or property managers can save lots of money and protect the reserve funds. Plus, there is no disruption to the tenants like there would be doing a roof replacement.

Town Home Communities and HOAs

Most HOAs don’t carry enough reserves to cover a roof replacement without a significant “Special Assessment.” The last thing an owner in an HOA wants is a significant increase in their HOA fees or a large special assessment. Property managers or HOA management will win huge points from the owners by saving money with a Roof Renew treatment over an extremely expensive replacement.

Investment Property Owners or Fix & Flippers

The key component of any investment or Fix & Flip is ROI. By keeping costs down you can make a big difference in the return on your investment.


Funds for maintaining a church should be treated with great care and protected as much as possible. By making donations last longer by not having to replace a church roof sooner than needed you are helping protect the donations of your members.

Dry Storage buildings

Given today's high costs associated with replacing roofs on large dry storage buildings, Iowa Roof Renew offers substantial savings, ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars, through the application of Fresh Roof.

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