Call us now to get a FREE estimate for a Roof Renew Treatment
When you contact Iowa Roof Renew for a Free Quote, we use satellite imagery to accurately measure your roof (95% accuracy guaranteed). We then schedule a convenient time to come to your house and do a comprehensive roof evaluation. We provide that evaluation and roof measurement to you. After evaluating your roof, and helping you understand the savings and benefits of Roof Renew, if you decide Iowa Roof Renew is right for you, we’ll schedule a time to come do a comprehensive roof “tune-up” to help remedy the issues found during the evaluation and then treat your roof with Fresh Roof to help extend its life expectancy at least 6-8+ years.
It’s a simple 3 step process.
Most asphalt shingle roofs that are 6 years or older are prime candidates for Roof Renew. Roof Renew both helps prevent accelerated shingle aging, and as an alternative to a very costly, messy, and disruptive roof replacement.
We provide a roof tune-up for free that usually would cost at least $500-$1000 to help remedy current roof issues like dry and cracked vent covers, exposed nail heads, torn shingles, and other needed repairs. If your roof requires more than a basic tune-up, we’ll recommend a great full-service roof repair company that can provide more extensive repairs at a fair price.
Applying Fresh Roof to your shingles will restore flexibility, improve grit retention, increase waterproofing, provide UV protection, and overall renew the life of your roof.
475 Penn Ct Unit 17, North Liberty, Iowa, 52317
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